Power of Telepathy
The Sixth Sense of People

Are there people who, with particular skills, are able to perceive the mental processes of other subjects? Able to read the thoughts, to transmit, to feel at a distance, endowed, therefore, with a faculty that Frederick WH Myers (1843-1901), founder of "The Society for Psychical Research", in London, qualified for the first time in 1881 telepathy? This parapsychological phenomenon, which remains the most popular, constitutes one of the greatest mysteries of human existence.
Unrecognized communication channels
The Power of Telepathy is not as controversial as other parapsychological manifestations, and very serious scientific research has been going on for decades. This interest is likely due to the fact that many people already have experience. Indeed, who has ever thought of anyone in particular, without a specific reason, to find the object of his thoughts at his door? We regard this as the pure fruit of chance and are not ready to consider that the approach of others could have been announced to us via a channel of spiritual perception, out of our direct reach.
The various applications of telepathy
Between the end of the Second World War and the beginning of the Cold War, the USSR, the United States and England conduct experiments aimed at "reading" the thoughts of others. The results obtained are striking. For the secret services, telepathy offers a real possibility of espionage. We then speak of "psi agents". However, in this context, telepathy is more often called remote viewing. The agents seek, by the force of their thought, to describe places and people. In 1940, telepath Wolf Gregorevich Messing is introduced to Joseph Stalin himself.
This meeting can be considered as the starting point of the interest of the governments for the applications of telepathy. The West is also interested in the phenomenon. Between 1934 and 1939, S. G. Soal (1889-1979), professor of mathematics at the University of London, tested one hundred and sixty subjects on some one hundred thousand individual experiences. In 1941, both parapsychologists Basil Shackleton and Rita Elliot also achieve results that chance alone can not explain.
The origin of this phenomenon, which affects only certain people, remains however in the domain of the unknown. Many scientists are convinced that each individual has telepathic faculties and that this "seventh" sense could be stimulated by appropriate training.
The telepathy experiments obey a simple frame: the tested subject faces an examiner, who observes on a screen symbols or images displayed randomly. The telepath must then guess or draw the map visualized by the examiner. The test subjects could actually "read" what their partner thought and draw what he saw. A very large number of experiments yielded very impressive results.
The morphogenetic fields
The British biologist Rupert Sheldrake has been studying telepathy for years and is working on the morphogenetic fields thesis. According to this theory, nature stores information in fields, which are then accessible to certain people. In his most famous example, he refers to english mices who have learned, in a certain place, to open the aluminum cap of a bottle of milk. In a short time, this knowledge has been used by other mice located in various other places. They had assimilated this new method of supply via morphogenetic fields. Telepathy is unlimited. Unlimited to the point of commonly including men and animals.
In an amazing experiment, Sheldrake proves it with a parrot and its owner. Able to speak with more than five hundred words and complete sentences, the bird is placed in front of a camera; and Aimee, his mistress, two floors down. Aimee opens envelopes containing images. The astonishing result of this experiment was that the parrot seemed to perceive his owner's thoughts, for he pronounced the words corresponding to what she saw. He read Aimee's mind and expressed the content in English. This is a unique case, as no other experiment has yielded results with such conclusive accuracy.
Other animal / men experiences
The BBC reported on other experiences with humans and animals, including dogs whose masters had gone out and walked aimlessly around town. At some point, the man receives a signal, so he decides to go home and find his dog. The film shows that at this exact moment, the animal gets up, goes to the door and begins to wait for his master. Repeated several times, this experiment shows that it is not a pure chance, the results being systematically the same.
The mechanisms of telepathy are still a mystery today. However, after many years of research, we can assure the existence of such a phenomenon. Remains the question of the origin of this faculty and the conformation of the people who have it. These unanswered questions make it a true mystery of humanity.