Oak Island Treasure Hidden In Legendary Money Pit ?
The Story of the Treasure Well

Oak Island is a small peninsula located in eastern Canada. The story that interests us begins in 1795, the day when the attention of a quiet walker, the young Daniel McGinnis, was drawn to a depression in the ground near an old oak tree, in the branches of which he saw a sort pulley, of the type used on boats.
A singular discovery
The next day, Daniel and two of his friends, who like him know local legends about pirates and hidden treasures, start to dig. They quickly understand that the well is very singular. Indeed, as they dig, they find every 3 meters a kind of platform in oak wood. When they reach the third layer, they are forced to give up because the company exceeds their strength. This marks the start of the Oak Island Treasure legend ; therefore, this well will forever be called Oak Island Money Pit, the treasure well.
At the beginning of the 19th century, lending credence to rumors that speak of a hidden treasure, the private company Onslow Company resumed excavations. She discovers layers of coal and clay, but also and above all coconut fibers; However, the coconut palms not growing in Canada, they must have come from far away ... At 30 meters deep, the workers of the company discover an enormous engraved stone plaque bearing indecipherable inscriptions. It is already dark when, probing the ground under the plate with a crowbar, they come across something hard: is it the Oak Island Treasure chest ? Exhausted, they decide to return to work the next day. But the next morning a surprise awaits them: during the night, the Atlantic water flooded the well. Attempts to empty it are in vain; it’s like emptying water from the entire ocean! New attempts follow one another over the years, the last dating from 1966, but still without satisfactory results.
An impossible-to-reach chest
Several hypotheses have been put forward concerning the treasure that the Oak Island Money Pit would jealously guard. Some are convinced that it is the treasure of the French crown, others are convinced that it is that of the Knights Templar, and even the Holy Grail !
Conversely, other people have pointed out astonishing similarities between certain details of the story, the three young men and the characteristics of the well, for example, and Freemasonry, in particular concerning the allegories relating to King Solomon's Temple. Also, Oak Island is full of natural wells that have the same characteristics of the Money Pit. Anyway, the Oak Island legend of the treasure well has made it a tourist destination of choice and for current residents there is no doubt: this is indeed the real treasure!
Sunken treasures
Many treasures have been engulfed in the sea for centuries. Today, if high technology makes it relatively easy to locate shipwrecks, bringing them to the surface remains more difficult. For example, the Flora de la Mar left in 1512 from Malaysia, carrying a treasure whose current value would be more than eight million euros. After having been wrecked off Sumatra, the wreck was found in the last century only 36 meters deep, however buried under a layer of 15 meters of mud. Despite having the most sophisticated instruments, the team responsible for recovering the ship's cargo was only able to reassemble a few statuettes and jewels.