Nanospirals : Russian Artifacts or Alien Intelligence ?

In 1992, Russian geologists undertook the study of certain rock formations in the Ural mountains. They discovered on this occasion small microscopic spirals, nanospirals, the appearance of which seems inexplicable, especially since the material used is at least 100,000 years old. For ufologists, these russian artifacts prove in an irrefutable way that the men of formerly found themselves in contact with extraterrestrials.
Science fiction?
Whether it is the fantastic tales of Jules Verne in the second half of the 19th century, or the utopian tales of HG Wells in the early 20th century, whose themes were taken up in the late 1940s by scientists, theories or clues aimed at proving the existence of extraterrestrials have continued to multiply over the past two centuries. Thus, all the phenomena discussed here were, at one time or another, considered by this or that author as the heritage of an extraterrestrial civilization.
In this perspective, the discoveries of the Urals caused a sensation, at least for those who believe in the existence of extraterrestrials. During a routine study, russian geologists discovered small artifacts in the shape of a spiral, so small that the human eye could hardly perceive them. Then it was realized with the electron microscope that these spirals, whose size varied from 3 centimeters to 0.003 millimeter, presented a perfect regularity.
Essentially made of tungsten, nanospirals offer a smooth surface, sometimes provided with holes. Their core consists of tungsten or molybdenum. Later, copper nanospirals were also discovered. The proportions of the nanospirals are so regular that they could only be produced by human hands. However, the dating of these structures varies between 100,000 and 300,000 years. Were the men of that time really capable of mastering such a technique? In fact, this technique is no longer a problem today, but man has only had this know-how since the 1970s.
Mystification or extraterrestrial technology
If we base ourselves on the theory of Dr. Valerie Ouvarov of Saint Petersburg, these nanostructures are essentially the components of a large transmitting and receiving antenna. If this hypothesis were founded, we could then consider the existence of extraterrestrial intelligences as demonstrated, since it is scientifically inconceivable that our ancestors could have made such artifacts 100,000 years ago, that is to say, remember, at a time when the Neanderthal man had not yet died.
However, from the earliest publications, skeptics argued that the measurements had been tampered with or that the whole discovery was only a hoax. Other structures of the same type were later discovered along the Kojim and Bolbaniou rivers, but the thesis of mystification is still widespread. However, the study of these new structures has been entrusted to other laboratories, which have achieved similar results.
Nanospirals therefore seem to support the thesis of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligences. However, these structures do not prove that extraterrestrials have come to earth in the past, as some ufologists like to imagine. The nanospirals known to date will probably never allow us to conclude that they are extraterrestrial. This would require new discoveries.
Nanotechnology today
Nanotechnology is used today in medicine, for example, to carry out what are called “lab on a chip”, that is to say miniature laboratories, capable of accommodating on a simple credit card. This technology is also used in electronics to build microprocessors. In the field of research, nanotechnology makes it possible to develop more modern and more precise microscopes.