Regression To Past Lives
And Thy Fear of Nothingness

The spiritual experience of previous lives can make it possible to discover specific skills and talents in the current existence and to easily get rid of certain anxieties. Under hypnosis, many people relive their various incarnations and collect information on their past lives. This knowledge gives meaning to their present history, gives them joy and energy. People who undertake regression to past lives experience this inner journey in the light of their very essence, outside of any religious context. Have we lived lives before this and can their memories be awakened?
Regression to past lives
The regression to past lives can be induced in several different ways. Hypnosis is the simplest and fastest method. Indeed, it does not require any particular meditation technique which generally requires a certain learning. In a few minutes, the person reaches such a relaxation that, assisted by an experienced guide, he dives easily in full regression to past lives. The subject develops sustained spiritual attention and focuses on himself. All the events that he will relive in his strong interior are likely to be recalled or reactivated.
Fear of nothingness
As long as there are men, they will be dominated by the fear of death, the fear of complete and final dissolution in nothingness. These anxieties generate, in all civilizations, questions linked to the meaning of life, our origins and our destiny. It therefore seems logical that the human aspiration to immortality constitutes hope at the center of all religions. Therefore resurrection or reincarnation is an immutable component of faith. People who relive past lives through hypnosis tell the ecstatic story and situations from these periods. Research on life after death takes for granted that all experiences made by Man during his previous existence are stored in his consciousness. The difficulty lies in the possibility of reactivating the memory. By overcoming his previous experience, the individual comes to a better understanding of himself, becomes the true master of his destiny, learns from the past, so as, in the end, to master the problems of his present and his future.