Gustavo Rol : The Supernatural Powers Of A Simple Man

If his experiences and his powers had not so often been witnessed by illustrious peoples, Gustavo Rol would undoubtedly have passed for a skillful illusionist, if not for a charlatan. In his city of Turin, his relatives still bear witness to spectacular situations that occurred in a totally unexpected way, to the phenomenal help he sometimes gave to those who needed it most, and also to the very great discretion that characterized him. Gustavo Rol was born in 1903 and died in 1994, taking with him the secret of his powers. What was he capable of ? To read the contents of a closed book, for example, or to be in several places at the same time, to materialize and make disappear at leisure all kinds of objects, but also to write and paint from a distance, to travel over time, and so on. In other words, throughout his life, he will have demonstrated abilities that openly contradict all the laws of physics known to date.
Famous admirers
In the 1930s, the Nobel laureate Albert Einstein spent several evenings admiring the prodigies of Gustavo Rol, who was then only a young bank executive. Enrico Fermi, another Nobel Prize winner at the time, was also passionate about the young man's incredible powers. Like them, other illustrious peoples witnessed his experiences: Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Benedetto Croce, Gabriele d'Annunzio, not to mention heads of state, movie stars and politicians of all stripes. It even seems that Hitler wanted him as an adviser and that General de Gaulle often joined him to talk to him. Mussolini himself allegedly asked him for advice, but he did not follow his suggestions with the catastrophic results that we know.
Supernatural gifts ?
So where did his extraordinary powers come from? Gustavo Rol says this is all that is most natural. He considers - and he will repeat it over and over again - that his incredible powers are simply inherent in human nature and that one day they will be available to everyone. Renowned doctors turn to him to solve particularly difficult clinical cases, aware that science is not enough to explain everything. However, scientists have never looked into a real study of the case of Gustavo Rol, preferring to consider him as a particularly skilled illusionist.
No one has ever researched him personally, and he himself has never submitted to scientific studies. Moreover, while able to foresee the future, he left no written record of his predictions. What remains of him, in addition to hundreds of testimonies, are his paintings, superb still lifes or landscapes which are said to have sometimes inexplicably “come to life” ...
The painting that "smiles"
Experience teaches us that strange phenomena sometimes happen when we least expect them. Here is what happened to the Italian television crew who were at Gustavo Rol's executor for a report on the subject. In the room, where Gustavo Rol had received friends over and over again and carried out his famous experiments, two paintings are hung on the wall. One of them is the portrait of a young lady of the French nobility, Madame Rovere, grandmother of the master of the house, the other is that of her child. Years ago, something strange had happened during a night out. Someone had told the stories of the two figures, recalling the boy's early death from poisoning. Suddenly, the painting of the young woman had come loose from the wall, producing a very bright light before returning to its place. As he often used to do at the parties he gave, Gustavo Rol had put a little white paper in the pockets of each of his guests. During the evening, on one of these papers, we discovered these words: My son did not die from poisoning, but from a serious intestinal infection. After hearing the strange story of the painting, the technician places his eye behind his camera to complete his report, but immediately he cries out, calling the other members of the crew to witness.
The picture does not seem the same: having lost her austere expression, Madame Rovere now seems to be smiling. In the absence of any rational explanation, we can only assume that this mother was happy to have set the record straight about her beloved baby boy ...