Persona (24)

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Who was the famous playwright poet ?
A murderous plot disguised as suicide ?
The mystery of her disappearance
Was the french emperor poisoned ?
The strange occult roots of the Thule Society
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The engineer of the future
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The child who came from none
Premonitorial signs announced his death ?
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Vision Before The Battle of Milvian Bridge ?
How Did He Die And What Did He Do Wrong ?
Was She Secret Agent H-21 ?
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Mysteries of Cappella Sansevero
The Supernatural Powers Of A Simple Man
A Life of Travel, Freemasonry & Heresy
The Real Story

Science (18)

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Can the Red Planet sustain life ?
Who are our ancestors ?
Can animal magnetism cure people's disease ?
The strange case of Prahlad Jani fasting
Are black holes time breaches ?
Where does it come from ?
Do stars dictate our destiny ?
Fabulous treasures buried underground ?
Probability And The Meta Universe
How Did It All Start ?
What Threatens Our Future Planet ?
Summary Case Study
Is Our Planet Doomed to Die ?
Could Mankind be Wiped Out ?
How Did Earth's First Life Forms Appear ?
Can Man Survive Outside of Society ?
Who Were The Aboriginal ?

Ufology (5)

UFO crash in New Mexico ?
What kinda secrets lie inside the military zone ?
Are aliens real ?
Dogons in contact with aliens ?
Invisibility and Instantaneous Displacement ?

Parapsychology (20)

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The gift of foreseeing the future ?
Human energy field ?
Can hypnotherapy treat medical conditions ?
The meaning of dreams
A premonition 14 years in advance ?
A form of psychokinesis ?
Can the mind move objets ?
And thy fear of nothingness
Can a person be two places at once ?
Pain as offering for Lord Murugan
Walking on Hot Coals Without Injuries ?
Finding Water With Sticks
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The Case of Natasha Demkina
And Psychic Surgery
Mystery of Tulpas
The Case of Shankar
Fear of the New Millenium
Egyptian, Roman & Greek Mythology

Mysterious Place (48)

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The work of Mother Nature ?
Conquering Cancuen palace
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Ancient Megalithic Ruins
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World's Oldest Temple
Interesting Facts and Mystery

Egypt (13)

What killed the young pharaoh ?
What secret hides the legendary monument ?
A monument that defies time
Bitten by a king cobra ?
What has become of the beautiful queen of Egypt ?
Assassinated by his womens ?
The secret books of the ibis headed god
And the mysterious Book of the Dead
The Valley of the Kings abandoned ?
A mythical country of Ancient Egypt ?
Light of Ancient Egypt ?
Ancient Egyptian Story
The First Egyptian Female Pharaoh

Cryptozoology (18)

Mythology and Symbolism
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The Abominable Snowman
The Goat Sucker
The Deadly Song of the Fish Woman
The Legend of Sasquatch
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Voodoo and Golems - Myth ?
Serial Killer of the Eighteenth Century ?
A Mythological Version of Kongamato ?
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Small Dragon or Salamander ?
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Strange Phenomenon (23)

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Two Testimonies of the Afterlife
Examples and Theories
The Case of Hasnah Mohamed Meselmani
Mystery of Death Valley
A Mysterious Phenomena
What Causes The Phenomenon ?
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What Is The Meaning of Healing ?
Miracle or Mystification ?
Famous Cases of Spectral Apparitions
Story of the Legendary Ghost Ship
The Case of Urbain Grandier

Bible and Religion (29)

Who Wrote It ?
A Matter of Faith ?
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The Sinner Denigrated by the Church
Fallen Angels
The Marks of Christ
Universal Deluge
The Dead Sea Scrolls
And The Star of Bethlehem
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Will It Ever Be Explained ?
Fact or Fiction ?
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Secret Messages of the Virgin
Prophecy of Our Lady
Oldest Man in the Bible
What Happened to Them ?
Beheaded, He Walks Carrying His Own Head
Ecstasy of a Nun
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What Agitated The People of Saint-Médard ?
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A Woman On The Papal Throne ?
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Mount Megiddo & The Bible

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Monument (10)

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A Monument Filled With Mystery
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And The Legend of Sherwood
The Modern Prometheus
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Origin of the Scary Legend
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King Minos Labyrinth in Greek Mythology
European legend ?

History (16)

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The Greatest Political Scandal of the United States
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Marinus Van der Lubbe Guilty ?
The Mystery Lingers
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Druids Cult of Violence
Did Nero Watch Rome Burning?
End of Crete Minoan Civilization?
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Relic (16)

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A Timeless Document
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Men And Dinosaurs Together ?
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Russian Artifacts or Alien Intelligence ?
An Ancient Egyptian Plane ?

People and Civilization (13)

The Oldest Civilization of Meso America
The Decline of the Mayan Civilization
The People of Amma
The Celtic's Spiritual Elite
A Kingdom Without Men
The Mysterious Destiny of a Tribe
Origin Of Language And Culture
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Cruel Burial Practices
An Indecipherable Language
Mystery of Shrunken Heads
Adena, Hopewell & Mississippian
Did They Arrive in South America ?

Disappearance (4)

A Great Aviator Missing
What Happened To Him ?
What Happened To Them ?
Did He Die At The Battle of Three Kings ?

Cold Case (4)

Who is Behind The Murders ?
The assassination of John F Kennedy
Who Killed Lady Diana ?
Who Was He ?

Conspiracy Theory (2)

The Conspiracy Theory
A Dreadful Plot ?

France (37)

Has She Risen ?
Eustache Dauger
Ogre or Bluebeard ?
Man or Woman ?
Julius Caesar vs Vercingetorix
Did Clovis Ancestors Come From Troy?
The Merovingians Dynasty
Suicide or Murder ?
Second "New France" to Napoleon III ?
How Did He Die ?
Agobard, Magonia, Tempestarii
Did It Really Exist ?
The Mysterious Cult
The Tragic And Suspicious Delay of Grouchy
Attack or Sham ?
Our Ancestors Cannibals ?
Traitor to the Fatherland ?
Usurpers of the Crown of France ?
How to Justify ?
France Murders
Who Ordered the St. Bartholomew's Day Mayhem ?
A Gigantic Swindle
Birth of a Republican Myth
Cure For The King’s Evil Disease ?
Crossing The Alps ?
Royal Sex Scandal
What Happened To Him ?
Who Betrayed Him ?
Impostor ?
Murder or Suicide ?
What Caused The Incident ?

Impostors (3)

Legitimate Heir of Catherine II ?
A Sham ?
Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanova Found Alive ?

Archaeology (9)

Where Is He Buried ?
500 KM of geoglyphs
What Are They For ?
Inca Child Sacrifice ?
Who Was Ötzi The Iceman ?
Aboriginal in the Australian Bush
Chalk Man of Dorset England
Hoax or Reality ?
Tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang ?

Robin Hood True Story

And The Forest Of Sherwood

Robin Hood

Some are convinced: Robin Hood was a real thief, so famous that even when he was alive songs were written about him. In these ancient ballads, Robin Hood is designated as a yeoman, a peasant who owns his land, which partly explains his popularity. Far from being noble, Robin Hood embodied, on the contrary, the struggle of the people against feudal lords. Some local names of the area which were perhaps the theaters of his exploits testify of the antiquity of this popularity. A small Yorkshire fishing village bears the name of Robin Hood' Bay; nearby are two small hills called the Robin Hood' Butts.

Robin Hood and his legend

If Robin Hood became an outlaw in 1322 after the failure of Lancaster uprising, then he did not only spend a year in the Sherwood Forest until the King granted him his pardon. The story of the Royal Forgiveness seems true as is his appointment as a gentleman of the chamber. From there, it is not forbidden to imagine that the service of the king’s room had unforeseen requirements and very little of Robin Hood’s taste, even if at that time Edward was rather infatuated with Hugh Despenser the younger. Robin Hood returned to his forest and it was then that he began to forge his legend.

It is not known whether he really became the sworn enemy of the sheriff of Nottingham; it is certain that the sheriff, who was in charge of policing the region, could hardly tolerate a gang of poaching outlaws living in the king's forests. Yet, if he had really given himself the means, he would probably have overcome Robin Hood even though he had the support of most farmers. Support rather understandable: thousands of hectares of forest, once communal property, were now reserved for royal hunts even as the peasantry was starving.

There may be another explanation for the relative impunity of Robin Hood. During his stay at the court, he had certainly met the future Edward III. The latter was then a fourteen-year-old, exactly the age where a young boy can become infatuated with a famous outlaw. This is pure speculation but that could explain why Robin Hood was able to challenge authorities for another twenty years.

Robin Hood identified?

The Robert or Robin Hood (Robin was the diminutive of Robert in the Middle Ages) are not lacking in medieval records. However in 1852, historian Joseph Hunter announced to have fallen on a character likely to be at the origin of the legend. The man was named Robert and he was the son of a certain Adam Hood, a ranger of the Earl of Surrey. Robert was born around 1280; On January 25 1316, he and his wife Matilda paid two shillings for the right to cultivate a plot on the Earl's estate at Bickhill (or Bitch-hill) in Wakefield. The plot was about ten meters by four and its annual rent was sixpence.

Robin Hood joins the Maquis

Robin Hood

After the failure of the Lancaster rebellion, his followers were outlawed and their property confiscated. The documents mention, among these seized property, a five-room house located in Bickhill. It could be the house of Robert Hood ; proscribed, he would have taken refuge in the forest of Barnsdale (adjoining that of Sherwood) where he became a brigand.

He does not stay long. In 1323, the king went hunting in the forest of Knaresborough. He found rare game; the fault, he learned, was incumbent on Robin Hood. A forester suggested Edouard to cross the forest transvestite as an abbot traveling in the company of monks. Outlaws intercepted the group but Robin Hood recognized the king; Seduced by the charm and good manners of the brigand, Edward forgave him and took him to his service, as chamberlain. The king returned to Westminster in February 1324; house accounting books attest the payment of a month's wages to a certain "Robyn Hod" in the month of April 1324.

According to an old medieval ballad, after a year at the service of the king, Robin Hood obtained permission to return to Barnsdale for a week. But he never returned to the court; Having gathered his merry companions again, he lived in the forest for the next twenty-two years. If the song is true, he would’ve died in 1346 at more than sixty-five years of age.

The circumstances of his death

Established powers always find a way to take their revenge. According to the Sloane Manuscript kept at the British Museum, Robin Hood became ill and went to find his cousin, the prioress of Kirklees, so that she would administered a bleeding, a common remedy at the time. Evil took him because the pious nun, determined to avenge numerous clerics stripped by her cousin, bled him to death.

Robin Hood was buried on the grounds of the priory near its enclosure. The Grafton's Chronicle (1562) mentions that he lay beneath an engraved stone. In 1665, Dr. Nathaniel Johnstone came to draw the grave; it also appears in engraving in Gough's Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain, published in 1768. But it was destroyed in the early nineteenth century by workers building a railway line. Thus disappeared the last material trace of the real existence of Robin Hood. The tomb of the Prioress of Kirklees, Elizabeth Stainton, was still visible in the eighteenth century in the ruins of the priory. It was reminiscent of Robin Hood'.

What gives the character of Robin Hood all its historical significance is the fact that he lived at a time when peasants were more and more resistant to their condition. This discontent, forcefully expressed in John Ball's revolutionary preaching, exploded during the peasants' revolt of 1381, not long after Robin Hood' figure appeared for the first time in a written work, the Piers Plowman of poet William Langland. The peasants revolt marks the end of the Middle Ages in England, but Robin Hood ballads were already showing a state of mind announcing the extinction of medieval mentality.