Clairvoyant Abilities | Gift of Clairvoyance | Precognition Power
Foreseeing the Future

The clairvoyant is a person capable of foreseeing the future thanks to extrasensory esoteric abilities of precognition. Already in ancient Greece, clairvoyants were very popular and famous sanctuaries like that of Delphi and Dodona were built to collect oracles from god-diviner as Apollo and Zeus. Many people claim to be able to predict the future through different mediums like cards and tarots or by reading the lines of the hand but a true clairvoyant is nevertheless very rare.

The greatest clairvoyant in history, Michel Nostradamus, would have predicted important events with severe repercussions in his now famous quatrains such as the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, the assassination of JFK, the attacks of September 11, the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and more ... If one believes his quatrains predicting the end of time a year when Easter will fall on April 25, humanity could be destined to disappear in 2038. What importance should be attributed to clairvoyant diviners like Nostradamus? Is precognition a reality or is it simply a question of interpretation, a point of view?
Clairvoyant at the services of men's destiny

The destiny of men, life after death, love and fortune are all questions that haunt the minds of people since time immemorial. Clairvoyants of Antiquity, whom regularly took the form of god-diviner in mythology, were frequently consulted in sanctuaries where people desperately sought answers to their anxieties in the form of oracles. Nowadays, the clairvoyant is more than ever requested and more than a third of the population (38%) firmly believe that the future can be predicted. If clairvoyants and mediums were popular in the Middle Ages, they became even more so in contemporary era which is marked by a great current of esotericism.
Clairvoyant or charlatan?
The question remains, namely, are there really some people with special extrasensory powers which allows them to detect clues of fate through different mediums? Is the clairvoyant nothing more than a charlatan who shamelessly exploits the credulity and worries of the world? Science tries to provide answers but the border with various parapsychological phenomena such as telepathy is sometimes difficult to establish.
A study conducted by William Cox, a specialist in the field of parapsychology, reveals that a certain percentage of the population would hold abilities ressembling those of a clairvoyant. By performing a detailed analysis of train accidents and the number of passengers aboard them on the day of the drama, Cox noticed an interesting correlation. It appears that convoys routinely carried fewer people on days of disasters. William Cox draws the controversial conclusion that some of the travelers have had a bad omen and decided not to embark on the train. Although fascinating, are the results of Cox's research proof of the existence of clairvoyants? And if there was another more rational explanation ...
A predetermined fate?
Is life a series of pre-programmed events to which man can not escape and which can be read by some? The implication of the clairvoyant's existence is that of a life without risks, an inevitable destiny. Precognition is a hotly debated subject as it conflicts with the very foundations of society's knowledge, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the empowerment of men's actions. It also completely changes our temporal notions and our vision of things; major disasters become predictable, serious crimes can be prevented, diseases can be foreseen. The credibility of the clairvoyant would then become a primordial element in the destiny of man.

The most notorious clairvoyants
In addition to Nostradamus, who is undoubtedly the best-known clairvoyant in the history of the world boasting extraordinary prophecies extending to year 3000, one must also note Stefan Ossowiecki, a great disciple of psychometry and telekinesis whom would have largely contributed to solving many cases of disappearances. And then there is Erick Jan Hanussen, a Nazi clairvoyant who predicted events as the Night of Broken Glass and the Reichstag fire before disappearing under nebulous circumstances in 1933, presumed shot dead by a group of SAs. Another famous clairvoyant is Madame Buchela (Margareta Meerstein), a German fortuneteller who would have prophesized the emergence of AIDS, the death of Kennedy and the Balkan wars.