True Spontaneous Human Combustion Case Example And Theories

Bodies suddenly ignite. Over the past three centuries, nearly two hundred cases of this mysterious phenomenon have been identified. However, no scientist is able to provide a rational explanation. Parascientific interpretations range from divine punishment to the atomic chain reaction through chemical processes that are still unknown. What energies can thus be released in order to cause spontaneous combustion ?
A notorious alcoholic burns on his bench
The fact that a person can catch fire without any external parameter intervening is one of the most mysterious phenomena we know of. According to the largest recognized specialist, the Englishman Larry Arnold, the first examples relating to spontaneous combustion date back to 1671. In Paris, a notorious alcoholic burned on his bench, entirely, except for his head and extremity of his fingers. The bench remained intact. Since then, the police have explained such cases by the ignition of gases that form in alcoholics. But this hypothesis is no longer sufficient today, because these demonstrations prove to be far too frequent. The most important question remains, however: how is it possible for a man to burn completely without igniting his environment?
What causes spontaneous combustion ?
All cases of spontaneous combustion clearly show an intense source of heat, but the victims do not succumb to death by conventional fire: they literally burn up and do not die of asphyxiation or their burns. There is really nothing left of these charred bodies but a small pile of ashes. Over time, scientists have advanced several explanations for this phenomenon. For some, regular consumption of drink would saturate the body's cells with alcohol so that the slightest flame, for example that intended to light a cigarette, would be enough to ignite the drinker. However, experiments carried out on meat soaked in alcohol could not confirm this thesis. Other researchers attribute spontaneous combustion to fireballs. But this thesis is also reversed, insofar as the energy contained in these fireballs is much too weak. Another theory incriminates chain reactions in body cells, while others envisage a cold nuclear fusion, which would be capable of releasing such energy and would explain the extreme heat given off. However, a human body does not contain elements capable of triggering a nuclear fusion. Recognized scientists claim that the phenomenon of spontaneous combustion does not exist. Indeed, the body being made up of three quarters of water, they believe it is impossible for it to burn in this way.
The wicking effect
The victims of this phenomenon would be consumed like a candle: the clothes acting as a wick, and the body fat, wax. According to Larry Arnold, this is how one could explain the presence of a yellow oil around the bodies. In addition, it is understood that the bodies burn completely. However, this is never the case, even during cremations, where there are always intact bones. Larry Arnold explains that, first of all, sufficient heat to burn body fat is released. Then comes the wicking effect that would cause the body to burn over a long period, until nothing remains - a temperature above 800 celsius applied over a long period can destroy even the bones. But how to explain that certain parts, like a leg, remain intact? According to Arnold, the answer is simple: when the person is seated, the flame burns up, never down.