The Power Of Spiritual Healers And Psychic Surgery

Born in the Philippines, psychic surgery would allow its practitioners, by simple sleight of hand, to enter the body of their patients, to capture negative energies there and to make them disappear. These psychic surgeons explain that the Holy Spirit works through them. The hands of spiritual healers would also enter the bodies to rid them of diseased tissue. The most mysterious aspect of this therapeutic form remains the fact that the skin is closed, without leaving a scar.
Patients' predisposition to recovery
Spiritual healers intervene in the body of their patients, operate with bare hands and neutralize all types of diseases. Patients all over the world swear by them. Considered charlatans by traditional medicine and honored as true miracle workers by the recovered, what should we really think of these beings and their mysterious healing gifts? What is the role of autosuggestion in the success of operations?
A marked interest in alternative therapeutic methods, notably naturopathy, spiritual healers and psychic surgeons are emerging worldwide.
The Hamburg doctor Matthias Kamp, director of a medical-scientific working group, is interested in the phenomena of spiritual healings. Research results are unstable, but he says the logic is that such an innovative field doesn't just generate positive data. Thus, spiritual healing naturally attracts mystifiers, but this element should in no way diminish the performance of true spiritual healers.
Dr. Donald McDowall, an American physician, has had an interest in spiritual healing and psychic surgery for years. He explains that any patient wishing to embark on this path must absolutely ensure the reliability of the surgeon-healer. It poses two conditions: the patient's faith in the healing power and an attitude of mind entirely turned towards this recovery. These two oaths must be kept without weakening.
Healing forces from distant times
All eras and all civilizations have evoked healing powers. Then, with medicine modernizing over time, men abandoned these methods. While spiritual healers generally enjoy a questionable reputation, often accused of quackery, the number of therapeutic successes validated by medicine seems to be increasing: thus, some medical reports, laboratory evaluations and patient accounts attest to real healing. Testimonies relating to the recovery of people with deafness, disabled people in wheelchairs, paralytics and rheumatics keep coming. There are certainly spontaneous healings, but the therapeutic process can be spread over a more or less important duration. It is only necessary to note that these successes have been attested by the medical profession. Like his colleague, Dr. Kamp also states that the patient must absolutely believe in the healing force.
Vectors of divine energy
Spiritual healers work with an energy that they themselves call divine. They explain that it is in fact the energy which works with them, which works through them. In the end, they are just a simple channel. Feeling the energy accompanying the surgeon's hands in the patient's body and guiding him during the operation is probably a very special sensation. This type of healing without pain or side effects shows how far we are from our true nature and our roots.