Applied Psychometry Power : Forensic and Medical

A home that has been the scene of a traumatic event, such as murder or suicide, may be perceived by extrasensibles as a place where they cannot stay. At the same time, an old toy will generate positive sensations. Objects and places are loaded with feelings and memories. But how is it possible that some people are able to read it?
The crime recorded on the weapon
In the field of parapsychology, psychometry studies the particular faculty of a person able to read things from the past through an object or a place while being in the place in question or by touching said object. Seers of this category claim to perceive a crime and relive it, if only, for example, by touching the weapon that was used. Like many other parapsychological manifestations, this phenomenon is widely controversial. During an international archeology congress, the famous seer and engineer Stefan Ossowiecki demonstrated his psychometric faculties: touching a flint presented at the time as an important archaeological discovery, he gave a detailed description of the forms of prehistoric life. Years later, his claims were confirmed by conventional archaeological investigation methods and advances in science.
Medical application
In the medical field, psychometry finds a solid application. Indeed, the doctor Tino Merz starts from the principle that the tests carried out on people who are victims of chemicals can only be carried out correctly if they are carried out via this ultra-sensitive process. It would treat patients extremely sensitive to chemicals. According to him, some studies on organic phosphates would not have been possible without this method, the only one allowing to rule on contamination.