Poltergeist Haunting | Poltergeist Phenomena | Ghostlore
When Spirits Haunt The Living

Poltergeists phenomena manifest themselves through knocking, moving objects or static discharges. Poltergeist haunting can also be spirits who want revenge on the living. In this case, a mere fighting spirit will become an obscure companion. Throughout the planet, poltergeist phenomena are often equated with the worst paranormal events.
Contact with the dark side
Paranormal sciences integrate poltergeist phenomena and poltergeist haunting in the field of telekinesis. Indeed, objects are also subject to a mysterious movement. Many events considered as ghostly apparitions, however, reveal themselves after closer examination as mere trickery or effects of wind and weather.
However, if the knocks or displacements of objects do not reveal any identifiable cause and that the reality of these haunting spirits is scientifically proven, the poltergeist then takes a parapsychological dimension and exerts a real fascination. It connects us with the other side, the dark side.
Haunting Spirits
Research conducted around poltergeist phenomena has shown that they generally manifest themselves in the entourage of adolescents or people endowed with mediumistic gifts. In 1958, the two American parapsychologists J. Gaither Pratt and William G. Rolol described these experiments as spontaneous psychokinesis (RSPK for Recurent Spontaneous Psychokinesis). According to their research, it would not be ghosts, but simply the projection of people subjected to strong emotional tension, such as adolescents. This accumulated energy would be released in telekinetic discharges. In the 1960s and 1970s, the parapsychologist Hans Bender observed identical phenomena in young subjects. He came to the conclusion that a kind of split personality was provoking these telekinetic manifestations.
So science has shown that the poltergeists' explanation lies with the people affected by the phenomenon. For the parapsychologist Theo Locher, the scientific explanation of fighting spirits lies in the field of schizophrenia, hallucinations or mental agitation.
Haunted houses

The situation becomes worrying when poltergeist haunting or poltergeist phenomena do not fit into these usual patterns of explanation. A particular example of mysterious events remains a Breslau haunted house from which originated a song of unknown origin. Scientists who followed the trail of this strange song stumbled on walls from which the sounds seemed to come or were lost in the maze of vaulted cellars. No law of acoustics can provide an explanation. Moreover, witness dementia can not be invoked because of their large number.
In Switzerland, in Stans, the haunted house of the Joller family can be visited. For years, the occupants of the house have recorded the events that occurred at home, starting with banging and scratching, as in Breslau, before the family reunited. Witnesses were invited, scientific explanations sought. But science has remained powerless and has not found any answers to these events. One morning, the notable Melchior Joller woke up totally disoriented, and his hair had turned white. He died a year later, in 1865. He published a book, The Stans Poltergeist, nowhere to be found.
There are many stories about the dysfunction of machines that seemed to have a life of their own. Some consider these poltergeist activity as proof of the existence of a parallel world of spirits, messengers of the dead. Does our known world coexist with an occult world, residence of ghosts ?