The Miracles And Secret Messages of Medjugorje Apparitions

The last apparition of the Virgin Mary took place in Medjugorje in Bosnia, on June 24, 1981. The Madonna appeared to a group of local mystics to communicate messages to them and, since then, the phenomenon has acquired enormous proportions: the faithful flock from all over the world looking for an answer, a miracle, a testimony.
On this strip of land martyred by war, the flow of pilgrims is not decreasing and numerous healings are reported, none of which has yet been officially recognized. Miraculous phenomena are not limited to healings since there are also reports of solar rotations, apparitions of images of the Virgin Mary on the films of cameras and apocalyptic messages received by certain mystics: a whole series of manifestations that make Medjugorje one of the localities where mystery is an integral part of everyday life.